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A/Visions 1(Part 1 / SCREENING)

12.08 | 18:30_19:15 Tokyo time

Operating as a digital label and collective of artists based in Montréal, functions as a platform for collaborative experimentation and exploration of audio-visual work engaging with the futurity of interactive media, digital arts and extended reality. For the past three years, our collaborations have taken shape through live AV and fulldome performances, projection mapping, VR experiences and installation works. Our work addresses topics central to our experiences and concerns, namely gendered violence, personal and collective trauma, technological dependencies, border politics, and Digital Death.

susy.technologyCA/QC Indivisible

An immersive sound performance, accompanied by spatial audio-reactive visuals. It is inspired by underwater life, feelings of oppression and anxiety in the face of a gigantic world that we discover little by little... The work is built using the movements of the performer who places sound and visual objects in the dome.