In an effort to develop and support up-and-coming talent within our Japanese community, we are thrilled to launch our call for young creators for MUTEK.JP’s 7th festival edition, which will once again take place in Shibuya, Tokyo in December 7-11, 2022.
We are inviting artists under the age of 30 who are exploring new aesthetic avenues and groundbreaking creative processes in digital creation to submit their projects. Please note that this call applies only to Japanese and foreign artists residing in Japan. The age limit for submissions is 30 years.
With the intent to continue gender parity and inclusiveness initiatives, this call also specifically encourages submissions from women, non-binary, BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, and disabled artists.
The kinds of work we are especially interested in are:
- Live, original, and predominantly electronic music performances.
- Live audiovisual performances featuring innovative use of digital imagery and sound.
- Visual artists, VJs, and projection works
- Virtual, augmented, or mixed reality works whose themes and artistic treatment are close to the MUTEK universe.
- Native digital works that are suited for online distribution: videos, interactive web works, games, web VR, etc.
We request applicants to accompany their submissions (in Japanese or English) with artistic portfolios, a project concept (500 words) and a motivational letter (300 words).
All selected projects will be paid for, depending on the scale, level of development, type of submission etc, to be discussed with participants individually.
The submission deadline for all MUTEK.JP 2022 proposals is August 15, 2022.
Please send your submissions to
Due to the large volume of submissions, only artists being considered to perform at the festival will be contacted. We would like to thank all candidates in advance for their interest.
MUTEK.JP Pro Conference

MUTEK.JP announces second wave of 8 artists for its 7th edition

MUTEK.JP Edition 7: First wave of 25 artists confirmed

MUTEK.JP Edition 7